Cruisers Yacht 4550 Project – Solomons MD
2005 Cruisers Yacht 4550
Washburn’s Boat Yard, Solomons MD
Another successful diesel fuel tank rebuild! The location was at Washburn’s Boat Yard in Solomon’s Maryland – great marina with knowledgeable staff. Eric Skow, owner, and his crew were extremely helpful in getting us set up with everything we needed to get started. We then rebuilt the tanks inside the boat without cutting the hull. Yes, we rebuilt two (2)-250 gallon fuel tanks in a 2005 Cruisers 4550 Yacht on location.
The job was completed in just under two (2) weeks using our proprietary process. Triton Liners really does an excellent job of prepping the boat prior to starting any work- no dirty work boots or greasy handprints onboard. All areas are protected appropriately. Coast Guard-type approved manways are installed in both fuel tanks.